Ozgur Bulut
Hitit Universitesi,
Ulukavak, 19040,
Corum, Turkey.
Research Interests:
- Forensic Anthropology
- Forensic Facial Reconstruction
- Forensic Facial Identification
- Skeletal Identification
- I received my Ph.D. degree in Anthropology from the Ankara University ranked in the top 600 universities in the Best Global Universities by the US News and ranked among the top national universities.
- My doctorate dissertation focused on the craniofacial structure and forensic aging of adults.
- My interest in forensics started in my undergraduate studies at the Ankara Police Academy while doing my bachelor science studies in Security Sciences.
- After hired by the Forensic Image and Facial Identification Unit of Turkish Criminal Police Laboratories, I focused on visual analysis in forensics and attended Gazi University in Turkey to earn Masters of Art degree in Television and Cinema to study computer assisted three-dimensional scanning, modeling and animation.
- This study helped me to better understand and appreciate the role of reconstruction of the crime scene through visual analysis and helped me to better investigate forensic cases.
- Increasing forensic anthropology oriented requests from the courts, district attorneys and law enforcement met my enthusiasm in the field and I attended University of Dundee in the United Kingdom to study forensic identification based on anatomy and anthropology and I received my Master of Science in Forensic Art - Craniofacial Identification.
- During my master study, I completed an international internship program at the Center for Anatomy & Human Identification at the University of Dundee.
- Furthermore, I had the opportunity to have specific courses on Cranial–Postcranial juvenile osteology and facial reconstruction while working with the Scheuer juvenile skeletal collection and Helmer skull collections.
- In addition, I undertook continuing professional education in the form of training courses from different centers, including: University of Tennessee - Forensic Anthropology Center (FAC), University of Central Lancashire - Taphonomic Research in Anthropology: Centre for Experimental Studies (TRACES), University of Dundee - Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID), University of Granada, Forensic Anthropology Laboratory and courses organized by Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE) in University of Heidelberg-Germany, Council of Forensic Medicine (ATK) - Istanbul and Police Forensic Laboratory (KPL) - Ankara.
- As the Founding Director of Forensic Anthropology Division at the Ankara Police Forensic Laboratory and chaired this division from 2010 to 2015, I have substantial experience on topics related to forensic anthropology, skeletal identification, craniofacial identification and fields surrounding it such as surface comparison analysis, 3d morphometrics and scanning.