Post-doc position at the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at the University of Torino, Italy.
Matteo Caser
Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences (DISAFA)
Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences - Ornamental & Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
University of Turin
Largo Paolo Braccini 2
(Via L. Da Vinci 44)
10095 - Grugliasco (TO)
Research Interests:
- Collaboration in national and international projects with foreign period of research at the Plant Research International - Plant Breeding Department - Wageningen University in Holland (2008), ILVO and Ghent University in Belgium (2012), Kunming University in China (2013) and Meji University in Tokyo Japan (2015).
- Partecipation to over 30 congress and workshops, more than 40 scientific publications indexed on Scopus (h index 5), on Web of Science (h index 4) and Google Scholar (h index 5).
- Reviewer for scientific Journal and society: Conservation Genetics, African Journal of Biotechnology, Scientific Research and Essays, African Journal of Plant Science, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Pakistan Journal of Botany, Plant Growth Regulation, African Journal of Agricultural Research, AIRicerca, International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS2015), The Open Biotechnology Journal and Scientia Horticulturae.
- Research aim: I’m a biotechnologist interested in plant biology, molecular, physiology and agronomy. I studied molecular markers, genome association mapping and biochemical responses to abiotic stresses in ornamental and medicinal plants.
- 2015 Internship at the Meiji University of Tokyo and Botanical Garden of Niigata (Japan) with themes on the genomic variability of the genus Camellia.
- 2013 Internship at Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Kunming, China) with themes on the study of ornamental characteristics of wild azaleas and rhododendrons.
- 2012 Internship at Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Plant Sciences Unit (ILVO; Melle, Belgium) with themes on plant flow cytometry, microscopy and participation at qPCR course (within EU Marie-Curie action).
- 2010 Ph. D defense with thesis titled “The role of DNA-markers in biodiversity analysis and characterization of local ornamental germplasm: genera Rhododendron, Camellia and Campanula”.
- 2008 Ph. D experiences at Plant Research International (Wageningen, The Netherlands), with themes on the use of molecular markers (NBS and myb gene profliling) for analysis of genetic diversity in the genus Campanula and enrichment of the genome map in the genus Tulipa.
- 2007-2009 Ph. D (XXII Cycle) in Agronomy, Forestry and Food Sciences.
Dept. of Agronomy, Forestry and Land Management, Agrarian Faculty, University of Turin.
Title: The role of molecular markers for the analisys of biodiversity and for the typifying of local ornamental germplasm: genus Rhododendron, Camellia and Campanula.
Supervisor: Doct. Valentina Scariot
- 2006 University of Turin Graduation 2nd level in Biotechnology. Vote 109/110.
Title: Post-harvest analysis of new cultivars of the genus Ranunculus: evaluation of issues relating to ethylene sensitivity.
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Devecchi
- 2004 University of Turin Graduation 1st Level in Biotechnolgy. Vote 99/110.
Title: The potential role of in vitro technique in the genus Rhododendron and in Azalea.
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Devecchi
- Turin 2017 Editorial board of Journal of Advanced Research on Botany
- Turin 2017-2018 Post doc position (12 months): “Influenza delle condizioni ambientali e della tecnica colturale sulla resa e la qualità dello zafferano (Crocus sativus L.) prodotto sull’arco alpino occidentale” In collaboration with Dept. DISAFA, University of Turin, Italy
- Paraloup (CN) 2017 Teaching assignment in “Coltivazioni di erbe officinali” in the context of “SCUOLA GIOVANI AGRICOLTORI DI MONTAGNA” (I EDIZIONE, 2017)
- Turin 2017 Editor E-book Avid Science.
- Turin 2016-2017 Scholarship Project (12 months): Natural plant protection products for weed control in urban environments and nurseries. In collaboration with Dept. DISAFA, University of Turin, Italy.