via amendola 165a,
Research Interests:
The main topics of the research are:
1) identification and characterization in olive through molecular markers SSR and AFLP,
2) tracking and tracing food chain in cereal, olive, and grape through molecular technologies,
3) in vitro culture for the cultivation of olive embryos
4) transformation of durum wheat by Agrobacterium tumefaciens,
5) analysis by AFLP markers of somaclonal variability,
6) development of a TILLING platform in sunflower,
7) identification and functional characterization of genes involved in the fatty acids and nitrogen uptake pathway in olive.
- Since 2005, Cinzia Montemurro is a researcher (sector AGR/07) in the faculty of Biotechnological Science, University of Bari. She was graduated with honor in Agricultural Science in 2000 at the University of Bari.
- From 2002 to 2005 she was Ph.D student in "Plant breeding" at the University of Bari.
- Since august 2003 she was "visiting Ph.D student" for seven months, at Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding in Colonia (Germany) working on the "transposons tagging" of wheat.
- In March 2005 she got the Ph. D. degree discussing the thesis: "Molecular characterization of a collection of olive trees and analysis of morphological sterility and self-incompatibility".
Project Participation:
- She took part in some projects like projects financed by the University of Bari (2001-2014); by MIPA (2001); by Apulia Region (2005, 2006, 2008, 2010) and projects by MIUR (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007).
- In 2010 she got a grant by MIPAF for the participation to the project ALISAL (Miglioramento delle proprietà igienico-sanitarie, salutistiche e funzionali di commodity per l'alimentazione dell'uomo e/o degli animali) to perform TILLING analyses on sunflower.
- From 2005 to 2007, she was involved as "Italian Expert" in a Project of International Cooperation, financed by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled: "Technical Assistance for the Improvement of Quality Olive oil in Syria".
- Since 2010 she is the consultant for molecular biology of the Ministerial Project of Cooperation Italy-Algeria for the certification of plant material in Algeria.
- In 2012 she was the scientific leader of the project REGEROP (Recovery of Apulian olive germplasm) granted by Apulia Region in the framework of PSR 2007-2013.
The results of her research activity have been reported in 35 Articles published in international refereed journals, indexed by SCOPUS, 1 monograph, 4 articles published in Italian refereed journals, 4 chapter of a book and also 17 communications reported in Proceedings of National and International Congresses. The total citation number is 431.