Department of Botany,
Kongunadu Arts and Science College,
Coimbatore - 641 029,
Venkatachalapathi A
Anna Nagar Ist Street,
Tiruppur (Dist),
Palladam - 641 664.
Research Interests:
Ethnobotany, Ecology, Pharmacology, Microbiology.
- Venkatachalapathi, A., T. Sangeeth and S. Paulsamy, 2015. Ethnobotanical informations on the species of selected areas in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, the Western Ghats, India. Journal of Research in Biology, 5(A): 43-57.
- Venkatachalapathi, A., B. Subbaiyan, S. Jagathes Kumar, V. Aravindhan and S. Paulsamy, 2015. Study on Diversity of Social Bees Foraging Medicinal Plants in Walayar Valley of Coimbatore District, Western Ghats, India. Academic Journal of Entomology, 8(2): 84-91. ISI Thomson Reuters.
- Subbaiyan, B., S. Jagatheskumar, A. Venkatachalapathi, V. Aravindhan, P. Samydurai and V. Thangapandian, 2015. Notes on Taxonomic Identity, Distribution and Ecological Status of the Genus Ceropegia L. in Western Ghats of Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 15(10): 2021-2028. ISI Thomson Reuters.
- Venkatachalapathi, A., S. Paulsamy and J. Thambiraj, 2016. Antimicrobial efficacy of the ethnomedicinal plant species of Canarium strictum ROXB. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, 8(2): 339-341. Science Citation Index Mago.
- Sangeeth Thekkan., S.S. Tamilselvi, A. Venkatachalapathi and S. Paulsamy, 2016. Impact of environmental factors on citral concentration in the lemongrass oil distilled from Cymbopogon citrates (DC.) Stapf. Journal of Research in Ecology, 4(1): 010-018.
- Venkatachalapathi, A., S. Jagathes Kumar, B. Subbaiyan, V. Aravindhan and S. Paulsamy, 2016. Ethnomedicinal plants used for various ailments by rural people in Othimalai, Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu, India. Life Science Leaf Lets, 72(2016): 165-191.
- Venkatachalapathy, A. and S. Paulsamy, 2016. Exploration of wild medicinal mushroom species in Walayar valley, the Southern Western Ghats of Coimbatore District Tamil Nadu. Mycosphere, 7(2): 118-130. Science Citation Index Expanded.
- Venkatachalapathi, A., S.S. Tamilselvi and S. Paulsamy, 2016. Ethnobotanical knowledge of Irula tribal community of Walayar valley, Southern Western Ghats, India. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, 03(04): 1379-1392.
- Tamilselvi, S.S., A. Venkatachalapathi, S. Paulsamy, 2016. Ethnomedicinal plants used by Irula tribes of Maruthamalai hills of Coimbatore District, Western Ghats, India. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 7(3): (B) 533-553. Science Citation Index Mago.
- Venkatachalapathi, A., S. Paulsamy, H. Abdul Kaffoor and K. Muthuraj, 2016. Larvicidal activity of methanolic leaf extract of Canarium strictum against the filarial vector Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. Life Science Leaf Lets, 78(2016): 10-17.