Juana P. Moiwo
Department of Agricultural Engineering, School of Technology, Njala University
Research Interests:
Sustainability, Water Resources Management, Water Quality, Environmental Analysis, Water Quality Analysis, Solid Waste Management, Water Analysis, Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Water and Wastewater Treatment
Post-PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering and currently the Dean, School of Technology, Njala University. Dr. Juana Paul Moiwo gained employment with the department on October 15, 2015, and his research interests include, but not limited to integrated water resources management for agricultural production, for quality studies, urban/rural domestic/industrial water supply and land evaluation. Dr. Juana Paul Moiwo a prolific writer and has published over 40 scientific articles in accredited international SCI Journals in the areas of hydrology, land use and crop production.
- Juana P. Moiwo, Yahaya K. Kawa, John P. Kaisam, Umu Lamboi (2016). Implications of groundwater depletion for aquifer geomatrix deformation and water availability. Hydrology, (Academic Journal), ISSN: 2330‒7609, DOI: 10.11648/j.hyd.20160405.11. (Appx 026)
- Dengpan Xiao, Yongqing Qi, Zhiqiang Li, Rende Wang, Juana P. Moiwo, Fengshan Liu (2017). Impact of thermal time shift on wheat phenology and yield under warming climate in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China. Frontiers of Earth Science, (SCI Journal), ISSN: 2095-0209, DOI 10.1007/s11707-016-0584-1. (Appx 027)
- Kaisheng Luo, Fulu Tao, Juana P. Moiwo, Dengpan Xiao (2016). Attribution of hydrological change in Heihe River Basin to climate and land use change in the past three decades. Scientific Reports, (SCI Journal), ISSN: 2045‒2322, doi:10.1038/srep33704. (Appx 028)