Zhiguo Zhou
521 Bridge Street,
Danville VA 24541,
Research Interests:
- Synthetic antioxidants
- Fullerenes
- Anti-aging therapeutics
- BS in Chemistry, Peking University.
- PhD in Chemistry, New York Uiveristy.
- Director, Nanotechnologies, Luna Innovations Inc.
- Fullerene nanomaterials potentiate hair growth.
- Carbon nanosheet buckypaper: A graphene-carbon nanotube hybrid material for enhanced supercapacitor performance.
- Three Dimensional Carbon Nanosheets as a Novel Catalyst Support for Enzymatic Bioelectrodes.
- Application of fullerenes in nanomedicine: An update.
- A Novel Gadolinium-Based Trimetasphere Metallofullerene for Application as a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agent.
- Fullerene Polypyridine Ligands: Synthesis, Ruthenium Complexes, and Electrochemical and Photophysical Properties.
- A New Fullerene Complexation Ligand: N -Pyridylfulleropyrrolidine.
- Tether-Directed Multiple Functionalization of Fullerene[60].
- Liposome Formulation of Fullerene-Based Molecular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents.
- Liposomal Formulation of Amphiphilic Fullerene Antioxidants.