Mustafa ozyurek
Istanbul University,
Faculty of Engineering,
Chemistry Department,
Analytical Chemistry Division,
Avcilar 34320 Istanbul-TURKEY.
Research Interests:
- Development of novel spectroscopic and chromatographic antioxidant capacity/activity assays.
- Application of antioxidant/antiradical activity methods to newly synthesized molecules, plant extracts, and biological fluids.
- Development of novel fluorogenic probes for measurement of various enzyme (i.e., mono amin oxidase, xanthine oxidase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase) activity.
- Development of fluorometric ROS/RNS scavenging assays.
- Design and snyhtesis of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent probes for imaging of biothiols in cells.
- Sayil M.Ç., Deniz N.G., Öner E., Koç D., Özyürek M., Güçlü K., "A Method for Dyeing Polyester Fibres with Quinone Derivatives and Evaluation of Their Antioxidant Activity", CHEMICAL INDUSTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING QUARTERLY, vol.xx, pp.xx-xx, 2018
- Kılıçyardır B., Avan A.A., Güçlü K., Özyürek M., Filik H., "Electrochemical Determination of Rivastigmine Hydrogen Tartrate at ß-Cyclodextrin/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Electrode", CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS, vol.xx, pp.xx-xx, 2018
- Ugar M., Tufan A.N., Altun M., Güçlü K., Özyürek M., "Glutathione Peroxidase Activity of Biological Samples Using A Novel Microplate-Based Method", CURRENT ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, vol.xx, pp.xx-xx, 2018
- Baki S., Tufan A.N., Altun M., Özgökçe F., Güçlü K., Özyürek M., "Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenolics from Some Selected Medicinal Herbs Grown in Turkey", RECORDS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS, vol.12, pp.29-39, 2018
- Stasevych M. , Zvarych V. , Lunin V. , Kopak N., Komarovska-Porokhnyavets O. , Deniz N.G., et al., "Synthesis, investigation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of anthraquinonylhydrazones", MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE, vol.xx, pp.xx-xx, 2018
- Bekdeşer B., Zeytünlü G., Özyürek M., Apak M.R., "Novel hypobromous acid scavenging activity assay using p-cresol as a spectrofluorometric probe", TURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol.xx, pp.xx-xx, 2018
- Eğlence S., Şahin M., Özyürek M., Apak M.R., Ülküseven B., "Dioxomolybdenum(VI) complexes of S-methyl-5-bromosalicylidene-N-alkyl substituted thiosemicarbazones: Synthesis, catalase inhibition and antioxidant activities", INORGANİCA CHİMİCA ACTA, vol.469, pp.495-502, 2018
- Çelik S.E., Tufan A.N., Bekdeşer B., Özyürek M., Güçlü K., Apak M.R., "Identification and determination of phenolics in Lamiaceae species by UPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS", JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHİC SCİENCE, vol.55, pp.291-300, 2017
- Torlakoğlu A., Özyürek M., Güçlü G., "Removal of Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Chitosan-g-Itaconic Acid / Hydrophilic Nanoclay Nanocomposites", MAİN GROUP CHEMİSTRY, vol.16, pp.111-124, 2017
- Apak M.R., Özyürek M., Güçlü K., Çapanoğlu E. , "Antioxidant activity/capacity measurement: I. Classification, physico-chemical principles, mechanisms and electron transfer (ET)-based assays", JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol.64, pp.997-1027, 2016