Sher Zaman Safi
Department of Medicine,
University of malaya.
Research Interests:
- Molecular Cell Biology, Virology and immunology
- Epigenetics, gene regulations in diabetes
- Methylation and acetylation analysis of different genes, including cell cycle responsible genes in diabetic complications
- Investigating DNMTs and the transcription factors like STAT3, p300, Ap-1 and Sp1
- Neurosciences and Stem cells, Differentiation and neuronal development
- Vaccines and Immunotherapeutic
- Drug designing
- Molecular biotechnology (health & diseases)
- Aging
- Medical biotechnology (Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy)
- Forensic biotechnology (DNA, RNA, Plasmid, & Protein profiling)
- Industrial Biotechnology (Biofermentation, Biomanufacture & Biodegradation)
- I am Dr Sher Zaman Safi from the Department of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
- I just Finished My PhD in Molecular mechanisms of Diabetic complications.
- I had received my Masters and MPhil in Molecular Biology/Biochemistry and Clinical/Molecular Virology respectively.
- I have been working and studying in Ajou University South Korea, National University of Science and Technology Pakistan and University of Malaya.
- Currently I am Working as a researcher in the Department of Medicine, University of Malaya but in couple of months I will secure the position of senior research fellow here in the same University.
- I have been working as a reviewer for atleast 10 international journals.
- I am also one of the Editorial board members for the the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine since last 3 years.
- I want to serve as an Editorial board member for your Journal(s).
- My expertise includes Biology in general and Genetics, Molecular Biology, Clinical biology, Cell signaling, Gene regulation and Apoptosis in particular.