Sudhakar Veeranki
627 S.Preston st
KY 40202
United States
Research Interests:
Oxidative stress, regeneration, muscle biology, cardiovascular disease, Neuronal toxicity, Cell signaling, and cancer
- IFI16 Protein Mediates the Anti-inflammatory Actions of the Type-I Interferons through Suppression of Activation of Caspase-1 by Inflammasomes.
- A mortalin/HSPA9-mediated switch in tumor suppressive signaling of Raf/MEK/ERK.
- Role of mitochondrial fission and fusion in cardiomyocyte contractility
- Defective Homocysteine Metabolism: Potential Implications for Skeletal Muscle Malfunction.
- Interferon-inducible p200-family protein IFI16, an innate immune sensor for cytosolic and nuclear double-stranded DNA: Regulation of subcellular localization.
- LKB1 regulates development and the stress response in Dictyostelium.
- Role of inflammasomes and their regulators in prostate cancer initiation, progression and metastasis.
- Hyperhomocysteinemia a Missing Link to Dysfunctional HDL via Paraoxanase-1.
- Systemic lupus erythematosus and increased risk to develop B cell malignancies: Role of the p200-family proteins.
- Differential Roles for the Interferon-Inducible IFI16 and AIM2 Innate Immune Sensors for Cytosolic DNA in Cellular Senescence of Human Fibroblasts.