Santiago Cuevas Gonzalez, Ph D
20 Penn St., HSFII, Suite S003,
Baltimore, MD 21201-1599,
United States.
Research Interests:
- My principal research interest is the physiology of the central and peripheral mechanisms of the regulation of blood pressure and salt sensitivity, and the role of the renal dopaminergic system and the oxidative stress.
- Essential hypertension affects 25% of the adult population. Approximately 14% of subjects with normal blood pressure and about 40% of subjects with high blood pressure are salt-sensitive.
- The genetic, molecular, and biochemical mechanisms of salt sensitivity and inverse salt sensitivity are not well understood. Dopamine, produced by the kidney, independent of renal nerves, is important in the regulation of sodium balance, renal function, and blood pressure.
- There are two familes of dopamine receptors: D1-like (D1R and D5R) and D2-like (D2R, D3R and D4R) receptors, all of which are expressed in the kidney.
- Impaired renal dopamine production and receptor dysfunction are involved in the pathogenesis of human essential hypertension and rodent models of hypertension.
- My research efforts have focused on the elucidation of the roles of DJ-1 and PON2 on the D2R expression and function.
- The genetic ablation of DJ-1, PON2 and D2R results in hypertension in mice.
- My expertise is on the genetics and physiology of hypertension in cardiovascular disorders.
- Luis F. Carbonell, Julin Daz, Isabel Hernndez, Santiago Cuevas, Fernando Valero, Tomas Quesada, Francico Fenoy and Miguel G. Salom. N-acetylcysteine Exerts protective Effects and Prevents Lung Redox Imbalance and Peroxynitrite Generation in Endotoxemic Rats. Medical Chemistry, 2007, 3, 29-34.
- Santiago Cuevas, Lu’s F. Carbonell. Anlisis de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en el proceso de envejecimiento y su relacin con el estrs oxidativo. ISBN:978-84-692-0896-0 Legal deposit: MU-1246-2009. publish in www.tesisenred.net.
- Santiago Cuevas, Lu’s F. Carbonell. Riesgo cardiovascular y estrs oxidativo en el envejecimiento.. ISBN 978-3-8443-3512-5. EAE Editorial Acadmica Espaola 2010
- Cuevas S, Zhang Y, Yang Y, Escano C, Asico L, Jones JE, Armando I, Jose PA. Role of renal DJ-1 in the pathogenesis of hypertension associated with increased reactive oxygen species production. Hypertension. 2012 Feb;59(2):446-52.
- Zhang Y, Cuevas S, Asico LD, Escano C, Yang Y, Pascua AM, Wang X, Jones JE, Grandy D, Eisner G, Jose PA, Armando I. Deficient dopamine d(2) receptor function causes renal inflammation independently of high blood pressure. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e38745.
- Yang Y, Zhang Y, Cuevas S, Villar VA, Escano C, Asico L, Yu P, Grandy DK, Felder RA, Armando I, Jose PA. Paraoxonase 2 decreases renal reactive oxygen species production, lowers Blood pressure, and mediates dopamine D(2) receptor-induced inhibition of NADPH oxidase. Free Radic Biol Med. 2012 May 23.
- Cuevas S, Villar VA, Jose PA, Armando I. Renal dopamine receptors, oxidative stress, and hypertension. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Aug 27;14(9):17553-72.
- Jiang X , Konkalmatt P, Yang Y, Gildea J, Jones JE, Cuevas S, Felder RA, Jose PA, Armando I. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the Dopamine D2 receptors increase inflammation and fibrosis in human renal proximal tubule cells. Hypertension.2013 (under review).