Léhleng AGBA, K Nyinèvi ANAYO, Lihanimpo DJALOGUE, K Mensah GUINHOUYA, Awissoba AWIDINA-AMA, Kossivi APETSE, V. Kodzo KUMAKO, Damelan KOMBATE, Mofou BELO, K Agnon BALOGOU, A Meningeal Syndrome Revealing A Tetanus in A Togolese: Case Report and Review of the Literature, Journal of Neurological Research And Therapy, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 26-31, ISSN 2470-5020, https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2470-5020.jnrt-19-2983. (https://oap-journals.comjnrt/article/1151) Keywords: Meningeal syndrome; tetanus; trismus; Subsaharan Africa