Shangming Zhou
Data Science Building,
National Institute of Population Health and Wellbeing Research,
Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research,
Swansea University, SA2 8PP, UK.
Research Interests:
Health informatics, Big data analytics, Epidemiology and public health, Medical statistics, Machine learning, Data mining and knowledge discovery, Fuzzy logic and modeling, Biomedical signal processing, Information aggregation, Computational intelligence.
- Dr Zhou’s research sits within the College “Patient & Population Health and Informatics (PPHI)"Theme.
- He is particularly interested in intelligent data analytics of electronic health records and –omics data, and creation of innovative methods for extracting personally useful information, such as rules and patterns, concerning lifestyles and health conditions from routine health related data to promote healthier lifestyles and prevent disease.
- Dr Zhou is the Fellow of The Higher Education Academy.
- Dr Zhou sits on the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Technical Committee on Enterprise Information Systems, and International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee on Information Systems -WG 8.9.
- He was the recipient of IFIP-WG8.9 “Outstanding Academic Service Award".
- Dr Zhou is the Associate Editor for “Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems” (ISSN : 1064-1246), and is a member of Editorial Board for “World Journal of Methodology” (ISSN: 1949-8462).
Membership of Professional Bodies:
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society(2014 ~ now)
- Welsh Arthritis Research Network (WARN) (2014 ~ now)
- European Association for Decision Making (2012 ~ now)
- IEEE Society (Member No.: 41386927) (2001 ~ now)
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (2002 ~ now)
- IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (2004 ~ now)
- IEEE Computer Society (2001 ~ 2002)
- Youth Scientist Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences (1999 ~ 2002, Elected)