Iran, Islamic Republic of
University of Tabriz · Department of Mechanical Engineering,Research Assistant.
Reza Razaghi
University of Tabriz
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests:
- The mechanism of injury in accidents and sports.
- Dynamic finite element analysis of the human head and mandible injury.
- Modeling and simulation of the fluid-solid interaction in human coronary arteries. Biomechanics of the eye.
- Orthopaedics biomechanics & bone-implant interactions.
- Smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation. Nano-biomechanics & cell mechanics.
- Biofluid mechanics of soft tissue and edema.
- Modeling and simulation of dynamic systems (Inverse Dynamics).
- Crashworthiness and impact simulation using the explicit FEM code (LS-DYNA3D).
- With regard to soft skills, I consider myself competent in the following abilities: Coordinating several tasks and projects simultaneously. Being a team leader.
- Taking initiative and assuming responsibilities. Being communicative and a team player.
- Outstanding researcher at 2013-2014 Academic year, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology.
- Candidate for the Top national student of Iran award, 2015.
- The Nightingale Prize, Best paper of the year, The International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 2015.
- Certificate of Outstanding Reviewer, Materials Science and Engineering C, ELSEVIER, January 2016.