Neurosurgeon, M.D.,
Ph.D.Assoc. Prof. - Universidad San Francisco de Quito,
EcuadorHospital Vozandes Quito,
EcuadorHospital Quirón,
Ciudad Real, Spain.
3318990, 0989181037
Llumiguano Carlos
Ctra Fuensanta 67, Blque II, 4A,
13004 Ciudad Real,
Dr. Llumiguano Carlos, MD, Ph.D.
Ankara Vozandes Building Ankara
Medical Center
N39-130 and Av. América
1st floor - Office 103
(next to the medical center AXXIS)
Research Interests:
neurosurgery, with experience in neuro-oncology, functional neurosurgery and chronic pain, pathology of degenerative and traumatic spine.
- Neurosurgeon, doctor en medical science - neuroscience in the University of Pecs, Hungary.
- ex-Coordinator of neurooncolgy team and ex-Coordinator of Awake craniotomy team in Ciudad Real.
- Functional neurosurgery with manny publications