Iran, Islamic Republic of
Associate Professor,
Nano Chem. Eng.Dep.,
Faculty of Advanced Technologies,
Nanotechnology Research Institute.
Samad Sabbaghi
Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Waterloo,
200 University Avenue West,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1.
Research Interests:
- Chemical Engineering approach to nanotechnology.
- Study about Regeneration (Reduction) of Silica-gel Catalyst of Orumieh Petrochemical Complex.
- Study about“ Catalyst” with Professor Anvar Khodiuf Which was presented as a Lecture in Petrolum Idustry University.
- “Mathematical Deactivation Model for Cu/ZnO Catalyst during Methanol Synthesis” as a Part of M.S. Thesis.
- “Dynamic Simulation of Methanol Fixedbed Reactor with Deactivation Model” as a Part of M.S. Thesis.
- “Study & Simulation of Methanol Reactor” with: Dr. J. Fathikalajahi & Dr. M.R. Rahimpour.
- Desgin & Building of Baghouse Filter for Perchlorine Unit of Shiraz Petrochemical Complex.
- Design & Establishment of Wastewater Treatment Unit for Serch Factory and Hen Slaughter-House in Fars Province.
- “ Intermolecular Potential Energy and Intermolecular Forces of Asphaltene” as a Part of Ph.D. Thesis.
- “New Model for Asphaltene Precipitation with Modified Virial Equation of State” as a Part of Ph.D. Thesis.
- “ Study of Nanostructures to Identify Asphaltene with Atomic Force Microscopy” as a Part of Ph.D.
- “ Characterization of Complex System of Heavy Organic Compound by Use of Nanotechnology Case Study: Asphaltene Deposition and Its Control in Oil Industry” as a Part of Ph.D. Thesis.
- Study about “Application of Nanotechnology in Chemical Eng.” with Professors G.Ali Mansoori, M. Shariaty-Niassar, Sh. Ayatollahi, A. Jahanmiri, A. Boushehri.
Scientific & Executive Records:
- Responsible for Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Projects in Shiraz University
- Vice chancellor of Faculty of Advanced Technologies
- Head of Nano Chem. Eng. Dep.
- Head of Incubators Center of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical (Fars Science and Tech. Park)
- Top researcher of Shiraz University in 2010
- Top researcher of Shiraz University in 2013
- Top researcher of Fars Science and Tech. Park 2012
- Top teacher of Shiraz University in 2017
- Receiving the bronze statue of Iranian Nanotechnology Community
- Appreciation Letter of Iranian Nanotechnology Community
- Executive Secretary of the International Conference on Nano
- Executive Secretary of the Research Week 2009
- Executive Secretary of ASPA 2014 Asia-Pacific Conference
- Head of Nano Chem. Eng. Dep. 2007-2017