Anthony Almada
Vitargo Global Sciences, Inc.
Research Interests:
Nutrition, Body Composition, Exercise, Supplementation.
- The Effects of Protein and Amino Acid Supplementation on Performance and Training Adaptations During Ten Weeks of Resistance Training.
- Effects of Ribose Supplementation Prior to and during Intense Exercise on Anaerobic Capacity and Metabolic Markers.
- Effects of Calcium Pyruvate supplementation during training on body composition, exercise capacity, and metabolic responses to exercise.
- Low vs. High Glycemic Index Carbohydrate Gel Ingestion During Simulated 64-km Cycling Time Trial Performance.
- Differences in creatine retention among three nutritional formulations of oral creatine supplements.
- Effects of Whey Protein Supplementation With Casein or Bcaa & Glutamine on Training Adaptations I: Body Composition.
- Long-term creatine supplementation does not significantly affect clinical markers of health in athletes.
- Effects of creatine supplementation on body composition, strength, and sprint performance.
- The effect of creatine monohydrate ingestion on anaerobic power indices, muscular strength and body composition.
- Effects of Calcium beta Hydroxy beta methylbutyrate (HMB) Supplementation During Resistance-Training on Markers of Catabolism, Body Composition and Strength.