Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Bionanoscience
+31 15 27 84295
Theo van Laar
van der Maasweg 9 2629 HZ Delft the Netherlands
Research Interests:
Single Molecule Eucaryotic Replication
- Signatures of Nucleotide Analog Incorporation by an RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Revealed Using High-Throughput Magnetic Tweezers.
- High-throughput, high-force probing of DNA-protein interactions with magnetic tweezers.
- Essential validation methods for E.coil strains created by chromosomal engineering.
- Strand separation suffices to establish a long-lived, foolproof DNA-protein lock at the Tus Ter replication fork barrier.
- Investigate the dynamics of the beta(2) sliding clamp in Escherichia coil at the single-cell level utilizing single-molecule fluorescene microscopy.
- Invincible DNA tethers: covalent DNA anchoring for enchanced temporal and force stability in magnetic tweezers experiments.