Sofia Bisogni
Viale Pieraccini 24 Florence.
Research Interests:
Pain, Pediatric Nursing, selfmanagement, self care, virtual reality, gamification of care
Editorial Activity:
- Editor in Chief of Children's Nurses-Italian Journal of Pediatric Nursing Sciences
Reviewer of the following journals:
- Children's Nurses-Italian Journal of Pediatric Nursing Science (since 2008)
- International Nursing Review (since 2009)
- Sentinel Reader per il progetto MORE EBN della McMaster University (since 2009)
- Pediatrics (since october 2014)
- The project “The use of Virtual Reality in the reduction of pain and anxiety during venipuncture in children with cystic fibrosis: a randomized controlled trial”(FFC#21/2016) received a founding of 15.000 euro by Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.