Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department,
Innovation and Information Technologies Centre,
Room: 16D28,
Near East University.
+9 0392 223 64 64 (380)
Kamil Dimililer
Near East Boulevard
Dikmen Road
Nicosia – Cyprus
Postcode: Mersin 10 TR
Dikmen Road
Nicosia – Cyprus
Postcode: Mersin 10 TR
Research Interests:
Medical Image Recognition System, Tumor Detection, Eye Tumor, Lung Tumor, Brain Tumor detection systems and Lung Lesion detection system are included in my field of research. Image processing techniques or image enhancement and their effects on the digital tissue images in detecting the tumors has been applied recently.
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Kamil Dimililer was born on 10th of February 1978 in Nicosia, Cyprus.
- He studied primary school at Şehit Ertuğrul İlkokulu then he continued his studies at Turkish Maarif College GSCE Science department until his Bachelor Studies.
- He studied in Near East University in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and he got Bachelor of Science Degree and Master of Science Degree.
- Currently he completed his Doctor of Philosophy in the same university and continued his research as faculty member at The Department of Automotive Engineering as Chairman.
- He has been teaching in Near East University since 2002.
- He has been employed as Instructor and Research Assistant in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Computer Engineering Department, Biomedical Engineering Department since 2006.
- In 2006, he attended UDS exam which is given by YOK and he was succesfull in the English Proficiency Exam.
- He was successfull in English and French exams given by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and he got certificates and he got the Research Award given by Near East University by his publicatios as well.
- He attended a training course in the field of Medical Electronics given by ESPANSIONE GROUP in Italy that includes IPL, LED, VACUUM Technology and other medical equipments and he got certificate in the field of Medical Electronics in 2007.
- In 2011, He got an acceptance by a conference in India in the field of Communication and he got The Best Paper Award.
- He attended ROBOCUP 2013 by the University Robotics Team, NEUISLANDERS as Electronics Member in Netherlands and he successfully represented Near East University with the Team Members.
- He attended and succeeded Middle Level English Proficiency Exam in 2013.
- He represented Near East University in the field of Electricity and Electronics in High School information sciences competition in 2014.
- He finalised his PhD. Research in 2014 and he continued his academic life at Near East University.
- He has been assigned as Deputy Chairman at the Department of Automotive Engineering as Assistant Professor in 2015.
- He got certificate of appreciation in Electronic Imaging Journal which is indexed in SCI in 2015.
- After a semester, he has been assigned as the Chairman at the Department of Automotive Engineering in 2015.
- He got the Young Researcher Honor Award,in DESAM Science Awards, which has been awarded upon the best publication performance among the researchers in the field of science, in 2016.
- He was session chair in the conference “ICSCCW 2017, The 9th International Conference on Theory and Application of Soft Computing,Computing with Words and Perception” in 2017.
- He got the certificate “Training of Trainers” which is organized in Near East University in 2017.
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Kamil Dimililer has 22 International Journal Publication, 32 Conference Publications, 5 Chapters in International Books, 1 Invited Speech and 7 Publications in National Journal of Electrical Chambers.
- He is a member of IEEE and Chamber of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Kamil Dimililer `s research fields are Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks, Statistics and Electronics.
- His research interests are Renewable Energy Resources and Geographical Information Systems.
- His hobbies are playing musical instruments, violin making and photography.
- He is married and has two daughters.