Omid Iravani
Department of Anatomy,
National University of Singapore,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
4 Medical Drive, MD10, Singapore 117597.
Research Interests:
Genetics, Genomics, Anatomy and Forensic Sciences
- Dr. Omid IRAVANI is a medical doctor and cancer geneticist who teaches clinical anatomy, histology, embryology and basic ultrasound in the Department of Anatomy at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at National University of Singapore (NUS).
- He introduced a pedagogical innovation in medical education, i.e. “Question-Based earning (2TUQBLU2T)”. He uses QBL for teaching medical, dental and life science students.
- The methodology was published in CDTL Brief in 2015.
- His research is mainly focused on developing novel cancer biomarkers.
- In 2017, he published a novel pathway that inhibits breast cancer growth and progression after silencing HS6ST3 gene.
- The paper was published in “Experimental Cell Research”.
- In 2016, he introduced an important prognostic marker in ER-negative breast cancer that was published in “Clinical Pathology”.
Honours & Awards:
- Honor Medical Student, 1993-2000
- A*STAR International Graduate Student (IGS) Scholarship Award, 2007-2009
- National University of Singapore Scholarship Award, 2009-2011
- Singapore Microscopy Society Award for the Best Presentation, 2010
- American Board of Medical Genetics (ABMG) Credential Letter, 2012
- Outstanding Award for the Best Poster Presentation at International Conference on Pharmacology and Drug Development, Singapore, 2013
- Liew Weng Chee Scholarship Award to attend Classical and Molecular Cytogenetic training under European Cytogenetic Association (ECA) in France, Nimes, 2014
- Academic Medicine Development Award (AMDA), National University Health System (NUHS), Singapore, 2016
- Travel Award for Oral Presentation, Microscopy Society of Singapore, 2016