Wentao Xu
Laboratory of food safety and molecular biology,
College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering,
China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, P.R. China.
Research Interests:
Proteins, Metabolic Pathways, Proteomics, Transcriptomics, Protein Detection, Protein Biomarkers, Mitochondrial Proteomics, Protein Chips, Molecular Biomarkers, Cellular toxicology, Food safety, Animal model, Bacteria, Biotoxini Genetically modified organism, Zinc
- I am currently the associate professor / doctoral supervisor of the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering in China Agricultural University.
- I obtained my Ph. D. in the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering in China Agricultural University in 2006.
- For years I has been dedicated to the research in promoting the food safety and food nutrition.
- The scope of my research is currently focusing on Food safety Molecular Detection technique, Molecular cellular toxicology, and safety assessment and detecting methods of GMO.
- In my laboratory, animal experiments and cell culture are routinely used as model systems. The technologies related with animal tests are skillfully mastered.
- We master a series of technologies such as flow cytometry, Western blot, immunofluorescence, to study cell survival, apoptosis and change of some proteins.
- Furthermore, gene knock-out and gene inhibition from cells are routinely used.
- MiRNA profiles, transcriptomics, and proteomics technologies are routinely employed in my research.
- I has hosted more than twenty research programs such as National Science Foundation, by which the total funding has mounted to nearly 4 million RMB.
- The postgraduate students guided by me have mounted to 24, eight of which are under my guidance right now.
- Up to now, nearly 120 reviews and research articles have been published, among which more than 70 are cited by SCI.