University of Belgrade,
School of Medicine,
dr Subotica 9,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Dragan Nikolic
Clinic for Endocrinology,
Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases-Laboratory for human pancreatic islets,
Dr Subotica 13, 11000 Belgrade,
Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia.
Research Interests:
Diabetes, insulin secretion, transplantation, pancreatic islets culture and influence of microorganism on onset of the diabetes.
- Dr. Dragan M. Nikolic has completed his Ph.D. in 2010 from Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade.
- He is Head of researches in the laboratory for pancreatic islets culture at the Institute for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, KCS, Serbia.
- 1998 - Master of Science degree of Immunobiology sciences, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology.
- 2010 - Ph.D. degree from Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, Title of Ph.D. thesis: “Examination of the parameters affecting insulin secretion capacity of human adult pancreatic islets in culture, He is the member of research projects related with isolation and transplatation of pancreatic islets.
- January 2011 -present Research associate on the project “Carotid disease in Serbia - pathological dinamics, prevention, diagnosis and innovative therapeutic procedures“. Member of EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes) in 2009 god.
- Member Organization Commity of Serbian Society for the Study of Diabetes since 2010.
- Member of Association of University Proffesors, Serbia, since 2012.
- Editorial board member of: Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research in 2012 and American Journal of Current Immunology in 2013.
- Reviewer of American Journal of Biomedical Research.
- Dr Nikolic he has published 24 papers dealing with Diabetes, insulin secretion, transplantation, pancreatic islets culture and influence of microorganism on onset of the diabetes.