Yu-Chi Chen
Penn State College of Medicine,
T3325 500 University Dr. Hershey,
17033, PA.
Research Interests:
Melanoma, Cancer, Cancer metastasis.
- B.S. in Medical Technology, The National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan M.S. in Biochemistry.
- Molecular Biology, The National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Ph.D. in BMMB (Biochemistry, microbiology and Molecular biology), The Pennsylvania State University 2009
- Chen YC, Sosnoski DM, Gandhi U, Novinger L, Prabhu KS, and Mastro AM, Selenium modifies the osteoblast inflammatory stress response to bone metastatic breast cancer, Carcinogenesis, 30(11), p1941-8 2010
- Chen YC, Sosnoski DM and Mastro AM, Breast cancer metastasis to the bone: mechanisms of bone loss, Breast Cancer Research, 12:215 2013
- Chen YC, Prabhu KS, and Mastro AM, Is selenium a potential treatment for cancer metastasis?, Nutrients 5(4), 1149-68 2013
- Chen YC, Prabhu KS, Das A and Mastro AM, Dietary selenium supplementation modifies breast tumor growth and metastasis, Int J Cancer. 133(9):2054-64 2017
- Chen YC, Gowda R, Newswanger RK, Leibich P, Fell B, Rosenberg G and Robertson GP, Targeting Cholesterol Transport in Circulating Melanoma Cells to Inhibit Metastasis, Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 30(6), 541-552
- Book Chapters 2015
- Chen YC and Mastro AM, Chapter 24: Selenium and Cancer Metastasis,
- Selenium: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects.
- Publisher: The Royal Society of Chemistry, p408-427