Mahidol University | MU · ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University.
Mongkolchati Aroonsri
Mahidol University | MU ASEAN Institute for Health Development,
Mahidol University Bangkok.
Research Interests:
- Quality Management
- Obstetric Delivery
- Dental Caries
- Prenatal Diagnosis
- Epidemiology and Public Health
- Screening
- Fetal Growth Restriction
- Social Work.
- UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE For Sexual and Reproductive Health in the ASIA-Pacific Region.
- Estimates of burden and consequences of infants born small for gestational age in low and middle income countries with INTERGROWTH-21 st standard: analysis of CHERG datasets.
- The influence of breastfeeding duration and introduction of animal source foods, fruit juice and vegetables on the risk of weight gain in Thai children.
- Prevalence of insufficient fruit and vegetable intake and associated factors in older adults in Thailand.
- Inequality in malnutrition by maternal education levels in early childhood: The Prospective Cohort of Thai Children (PCTC).
- Delay in Seeking Treatment among Adults with Malaria Experience in Shan State, Myanmar.
- Appropriate option of market solid waste management based on the stakeholder perspectives: A case study in a central market of agriculture products, Thailand.
- Determinants of incomplete immunization among hill tribe children aged under two years in Myanmar.
- Knowledge, attitudes, and practices about tuberculosis and choice of communication channels in Thailand.