Sandeep Madhukar Lahange
C- 304, Ashadeep Green Avenue, Near Akshay Patra Mandir, Mahal Road, Jagatpura Jaipur-302017
Research Interests:
Human Anatomy in Ayurveda, Marma Sharir(Vital areas of the body), Masculoskeletal system, Praman Sharir (Ayurveda Anthropometry), Ayurveda Embryology, Basic Principles of Ayurveda, Practice of Herbal Medicine, Kinesiology of Pranayama and Asana, Ayurveda Osteology & Arthrology, Teaching Classical Texts, Dissection and museum techniques
- A Study of Asthi Sharir In Context of Various Types of Asthi Described In Ayurvedic Samhitas
- A cadaveric case study of the fibulo calcaneus internus muscle as a rare accessory muscle of calf region
- A Cadaveric Case Report of the Four-Headed Bicep Brachii Muscle and its Clinical Importance: A Case Study