Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, Christian Medical College & Hospital.
+91 161 5010921 to25 Extn: 5412,5056.
Aroma Oberoi
Department of Microbiology: Christian Medical College & Hospital, Brown Road Ludhiana, Punjab.
Research Interests:
Serology, Molecular Biology.
• Dr. Aroma Oberoi has been serving in the Department of Microbiology of C.M.C, Ludhiana for the last 18 years.
• She is currently working in the capacity of Professor and is heading the department. She has been an Eminent Teacher in the field of Microbiology, teaching Medical, Dental Nursing and Laboratory Medicine students for 21 years.
• She holds FAIMER fellowship and is enthusiastically involved with the Medical Education Unit at CMC, Ludhiana.
• She is on the board of various undergraduate, post graduate and DNB expert panels like J & K commission.
• She is actively involved in research having around 85 scientific publications in National and International journals, apart from heading various research projects.
• She is a part of the Review board of African Journal of Microbiology Research, International Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences and JK Science.
• She has attended various workshops, Conferences and CME’s and invited as a Guest Speaker in World veterinary conference and also invited as speaker in the 3rd International conference on Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics at Valencia, Spain.
• Twice won the best oral paper presentation Award in National conference and once 2nd prize in International conference.
• She is the Nodal Officer for Integrated Disease surveillance Project(IDSP), under which the department of Microbiology of C.M.C, Ludhiana is functioning as Nodal Centre for the State of Punjab.
• As a part of IDSP, she is involved in detecting outbreaks of various communicable diseases in the region and training of Microbiologists from Public Health Laboratories.
• She is actively involved in NACO project for surveillance of risk groups and STD surveillance.
• She is heading Integrated counselling and testing centre in the institution, which is attached to Punjab AIDS Control Society under NACO, which provides free HIV serological testing.
• Under her guidance Antibiotic Stewardship programme was conducted in C.M.C during which antibiotic policy for the institution was formulated and released.