Graziella Curtale
Assessor GMP-API at AIFA Agenzia Italiana del farmaco AIFA Agenzia Italiana del farmaco,
Master Management,
e Marketing Farmaceutico,
Rome, Lazio,
Research Interests:
Western Blotting,Cell Biology, Immunology, Lifesciences, Cell Culture, DNA, ELISA, Biologia molecolare, Biologia cellulare, Genetica, Scienza, Coltura cellulare Ricerca
- Curtale G*, Renzi TA, Drufuca L, Locati M. Glucocorticoids downregulate TLR4 signaling activity via its direct targeting by miR-511-5p. European Journal of Immunology. 2017: 10.1002 (* corresponding author)
- Moleirinho S. Hoxha S, Madati V. Curtale G, Kissil J. Angiomotin phosphorylation regulates localization and function of the transcriptional co-activator YAP. eLife. 6:e23966
- De Luca MC, Pels K, Moleirinho S, Curtale G*. The epigenetic landscape of innate immunity. AIMS Molecular Science. 2017;4:1, 110-139. (*invited review)
- Renzi TA, Rubino M, Gornati L, Garlanda C, Locati M and Curtale G. MiR-146b Mediates Endotoxin Tolerance in Human Phagocytes. Mediators of Inflammation. 2015; ID:14530
- Curtale G and Locati M. Role of MicroRNA in Macrophage Activation and Polarization. Macrophages: Biology and Role in the Pathology of Diseases. 2014; pp 545-555
- Curtale G and Citarella F. Dynamic nature of noncoding RNA regulation of adaptive immune response. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Aug 22;14(9):17347-77
- Curtale G, Mirolo M, Renzi TA, Rossato M, Bazzoni F, Locati M. Negative regulation of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling by IL-10-dependent microRNA-146b. PNAS. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013; Jul 9; 110(28):11499-504
- Rossato M, Curtale G, Tamassia N, Castellucci M, Mori L, Gasperini S, Mariotti B, De Luca M, Mirolo M, Cassatella MA, Locati M, Bazzoni F. IL-10-induced microRNA-187 negatively regulates TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-12p40 production in TLR4-stimulated monocytes. PNAS. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 ; September 24: doi: 10.1073/pnas.1209100109
- Curtale G, Citarella F, Carissimi C, Goldoni M, Carucci N, Fulci V, Franceschini D, Meloni F, Barnaba V, Macino G. An emerging player in the adaptive immune response: microRNA-146a is a modulator of IL-2 expression and activation-induced cell death in T lymphocytes. Blood. 2010 Jan 14;115(2):265-73.