Anne Manyande
Professor Anne Manyande,
School of Human and Social Sciences.
- Anne Manyande is the course director of the MSc Health Psychology course at the University of West London.
- She is a chartered psychologist and a full member of the Division of Health Psychology.
- She is also an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Before becoming a psychologist, her previous training was at the Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (general health) and the Maudsley Hospital (mental health).
- Her PhD research was hospital based and examined the 'Endocrine responses to minor and major surgery and the effect of psychological preparation'.
- She is associated with research on stressful medical procedures and has been involved as collaborator on a range of projects with scientists/researchers in China.
- She has collaborated on two Cochrane systematic reviews which focused on adults and children. i) 'Psychological preparation and postoperative outcomes for adults undergoing surgery under general anaesthesia'. ii) ‘Non-pharmacological interventions for assisting the induction of anaesthesia in children’.
- Anne convenes a number of modules mainly at postgraduate level and has methodological knowledge in quantitative and qualitative methods.