Jackie Abell
Research Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience, Coventry University, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 5FB
Research Interests:
African lions (Panthera leo), reintroduction (especially ex situ), rewilding and rehabilitation programmes, social network analysis, animal behaviour, conservation education related to mammal conservation, human-wildlife conflict.
1. Does captivity influence territorial and hunting behaviour? Assessment for an ex situ reintroduction program of African lions Panthera leo
2. Investigating the impacts of captive origin, time and vegetation on the daily activity of African lion prides
3. Exploring African lion (Pantera leo) behavioural phenotypes: individual differences and correlations between sociality, boldness and behavior.
4. An assessment of African lion Panthera leo sociality via social network analysis: Prerelease monitoring for an ex situ reintroduction program
5. A Social Network Analysis of Social Cohesion in a Constructed Pride: Implications for Ex Situ Reintroduction of the African Lion (Panthera leo)
6. SocialPsychology: European Edition
7. On the context dependence of national stereotypes: Some Scottish data
8. Children's Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about Nations and National Groups: Essays in Developmental Psychology by Martyn Barrett: Book Reviews