Endre Varga
Department Traumatology, University of Szeged.
Research Interests:
Finite Element Analysis, Finite Element Modeling, Biomechanics, FE Analysis, Fracture, ICU, Trauma Surgery, Arthroplasty, Bone, Osteoporosis, Anterior Cruciate Ligament.
- Correction of a severe facial asymmetry with computerized planning and with the use of a rapid prototyped surgical template: A case report/technique article.
- Advanced Trauma Life Support, 8th Edition, The Evidence for Change.
- Intraosseous generation of heat during guided surgical drilling: An ex vivo study of the effect of the temperature of the irrigating fluid.
- MedEdit: A computer assisted planning system for orthopedic-trauma surgery.
- MedEdit: A Computer Assisted Image Processing and Navigation System for Orthopedic Trauma Surgery..
- Putative proprioceptive function of the pelvic ligaments: Biomechanical and histological studies.
- Severe Pelvic Bleeding: The Role of Primary Internal Fixation.
- External cooling efficiently controls intraosseous temperature rise caused by drilling in a drilling guide system: An in vitro study.
- Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) in Hungary; The First 10 Years.
- Surgery on virtual model and 3-dimensional printing of a surgical wafer for the correction of a severe mandibular asymmetry.