Andrea Biscardi
Trauma center,
Maggiore Hospital,
Research Interests:
trauma, toracic trauma, abdominal trauma, surgery, emergency surgery, non operative managment.
- He has achieved ATLS certification in 2001, 2007 and 2012.
- He has achieved ETC certification in 2016.
- He has been Professor teaching Anatomy and Physiology for the School for Nursing of University of Modena in 1991-93
- Since 2002 he is Instructor, member of the Faculty of the Trauma Surgery and Hands On Course, official course of the Italian Society of Surgeons for Specialist Surgeons, initiated by the Trauma Team of Maggiore Hospital, whith two editions held annually.
- He has been Co-author of several (more than 70) publications and abstracts presented at different national and international surgical conferences.
- He has been co-author of 72 articles published and indexed for MedLine (PUBMED).
- His most relevant articles have been published on The Lancet in 2008, Gut and PLoS (Public Library of Science) Medicine in 2009, American journal of surgery in 2011, The Journal of trauma in 2011, Injury in 2012 .
- Since 2010 has been nominated by the University of Bologna as Tutor/Evaluating Professor in the discipline General Surgery in the Clinical Skills (Clinical Practice) Hospital session of the Medical Graduates for National Medical Licensing Exam.
- He has contributed the development of a computerized medical record database, for the Division of General and Emergency Surgery of the Policlinico of Modena (2001).
- Speaker at the National Clinical Congress ACOI twenty (Modena, 23-26 May 2001) with a talk on the computerized management of the surgical patients.
- Executive Editor Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy, OMICS Group, since 2012.
- Editorial Board Member for the Journal Medical Imaging and Radiology, Herbert Publications since 2013
- Senior Editor HOAJ Biology since 2013.
- Editorial Board Member of Emergency Medicine and Health Care, HOAJ, since 2013
- Editorial board member of Open Journal of Biomedical Materials Research since 2014
- Editorial board member of Austin Journal Radiology since 2014