Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

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Journal of New Developments in Chemistry-Medicinal Chemistry


Ph.D. Chemistry, Jamia Hamdard, 2002.

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Hinna Hamid


Department of Chemistry School of Chemical and Life Sciences Jamia Hamdard Hamdard Nagar New Delhi – 110062

Research Interests:

Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Isolation and characterization of bioactive metabolites from natural sources and the development of novel synthetic methods and molecules to be used in the area of Medicinal Chemistry.


  • Akanksha R Singh, Prasanna Kumar Desu, Ramya Krishna Nakkala, Vanitha Kondi, Sushma Devi, Mohammad Sarwar Alam, Hinna Hamid, Rajani B Athawale, Prashant Kesharwani, Nanotechnologybased approaches applied to nutraceuticals, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 1-15, 2021/3/18
  • Chetna Kharbanda, Mohammad Sarwar Alam, Hinna Hamid, Yakub Ali, Syed Nazreen, Abhijeet Dhulap, Perwez Alam, MAQ Pasha, In silico designing, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of potential PPAR-γ agonists derived from aryl propionic acid scaffold, Bioorganic Chemistry,106,2021/1/1
  • Syed Nazreen, Mohammad Mahboob Alam, Hinna Hamid, Mohammad Ali & Mohammad Sarwar Alam (2020) Chemical constituents with antimicrobial and antioxidant activity from the aerial parts of Callistemon lanceolatus (Sm.) Sweet, Natural Product Research, 34:22, 3275-3279
  • Bhardwaj, A., Alam, T., Sharma, V. et al. Lignocellulosic Agricultural Biomass as a Biodegradable and Eco-friendly Alternative for Polymer-Based Food Packaging. J Package Technol Res 4, 205–216 (2020)