University Lyon 1, EA4169 Fundamental, clinical and therapeutic aspects of the skin barrier function, SFR Lyon-Est Sant'é – INSERM US 7 CNRS UMS 3453 Laboratory of industrial pharmaceutical technologies 8 avenue Rockefeller F-69373 Lyon Cedex 08
Research Interests:
Human and veterinary pharmaceutical technology. Formulation and physicochemical characterization of semi-solid forms (organogels, oleogels, hydrogels ...) and dispersed systems (semi-solids dispersions, emulsions ...) for cosmetic purposes, dermo-cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and therapeutics.
- Plamen Kirilov Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Technologies, Calude Beranrd University Lyon 1, grew up in Bulgaria and received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Toulouse, France in 2003.
- After he obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 in 2007, he followed as Postdoctoral Associate during 2 years in Pierre Fabre Research Skin Center's Laboratories and he joined Professor A.M. Sautereau's Laboratories at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Toulouse, France as a Postdoctoral and Training Associate Professor in 2011.
- In the meantime, he was a research chemist at the High School of Chemistry in Rennes, France and High School of Chemical Technologies in Nancy, France, 2009 - 2010 and 2010 - 2011respectively.
- Dr Kirilov has a keen interests and expertise in the fields of semisolid forms, dispersions and rheology of complex systems.
- Currently he holds the position of an Associate Professor in the University of Lyon where he is researching "Human and veterinary pharmaceutical technology" and "Formulation and physicochemical characterization of semi-solid forms and dispersed systems for cosmetic purposes, dermo-cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and therapeutics".