Mohamed Elfadl
Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI), University of Helsinki Latokartanonkaari 7, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
Research Interests:
Climate smart agriculture:
1) promotion and support efficient use of natural resources that improve food security, promote sustainable landscape management (SLM) and using an integrated approach to maintain natural ecological processes that will support ecosystem functioning and taking into account the poor people who depend on these resources for their livelihoods. This includes new ideas, inventions, innovations, techniques, methods and materials not only to support farmers in producing enough food to meet people's nutritional needs, but that also preserve ecosystems from degradation, for example, preventing soil erosion, enhancing water conservation as well as conserving the biological diversity.
2) adoption of agroforestry techniques and practices that offer significant ecological, social and economic benefits. This intersection of forestry and agriculture represents a great opportunity as the necessity for more efficient and ecologically friendly food production systems.
- Work experience: (Relevant to the job) 38 years of relevant professional experience, of which 30 years in rehabilitation and development of natural resources.
- Experienced with Farming system mainly agroforestry and working together with farmers in their fields allow for better understanding and conceptualization of both socio-economic of the communities and the biophysical aspects of the natural resources in several areas in the TROPICS.
- The experienced gained, while especially working for VITRI through working in a number of projects of diverse nature including biodiversity conservation projects, agroforestry, sustainable natural resources management (SNRM).
- Experience in integrated resources management especially as relate to biophysical aspects of food production and soil fertility including carbon sequestration (both above ground biomass and soil organic carbon), extension, forestry and social forestry, community development, impact evaluations combined with solid competence in project management, project planning, and education and research.
- The theme carbon sequestration has been central in my latest research project such as "Carbon sequestration and Soil Fertility on African Drylands: Implications for Food and Woodfuel Production, Land Rehabilitation and Community Development 2009-2012 (CASFAD)", and "Building Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa 2012-2016 (BIODEV)". Both projects aim towards understanding householdlevel natural resources reliance as a means to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
- Academic awards and honours Golden Pin for contribution to the Development of Dryland Forestry Research (2001).
- Member of the Government of Finland Delegation to UNFF, Geneva (2003) Nomination by UNEP-TOKTEN programme for Institutional Capacity Building, Uof K (2006)