Faculty of Engineering, "Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu / 4 Emil Cioran Street, 550025 Sibiu, Romania.
+40 0721428641.
Narcisa Vrinceanu
30, Decebal Street, Bl B6, Scara A, et II, ap. 9, Iasi, Romania.
Research Interests:
Chemical synthesis of metal oxides; ZnO and TiO based photocatalytic materials for environmental applications; Structural and morphological characterization of nanostructured materials (SEM, XRD, EDX); Optical characterization of thin films and nanostructured materials (UV-VIS, FTIR); functionalization of textile supports with catalytic, photocatalytic and adsorption properties; Determination of adsorptive potential through BET method for N2, CO2, hydrocarbons;
1. Teaching Mobility within InProTuc, DAAD Foundation, Chemnitiz, Technical University of Chemnitz, Visiting/Teaching Professor, november 2016.
2. Teaching Mobility within Financial Mechanism of Europea Economic Space (SEE), 2015 – 2016, at Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norvegia, April 2016. 2. - July 2016-July 2018 - Individual Research Grant: "Dezvoltarea si validarea unei baze de date care se constituie din sisteme bazate pe nanofibre cu diverse geometrii/arhitecturi de suprafata”, “L.Blaga”University of Sibiu,– Principal Investigator.
3.Granted for an individual research grant (project director), called: Alternative Polymeric eco-composites with performance in friction, value of 2000 Euros, Duration – May 2014– November 2016, Number of research contract – 20132/25.05.2015, implemented in “L.Blaga” University of Sibiu.
4.GRANTED for a Research Director/Expert for research activity collaboration within the Department of Industrial Engineering (in compliance with art 22, Law 240/2010), University of Study of Trento, Università degli Studi di Trento, Via Sommarive n. 14, Povo - 38123 TRENTO - ITALIA; Research title: 50% Reduction of Brake Wear Particulate Matter, gross amount in Euros 52.634,20 per year; May 2014-2016; Scientific area field of research: INGIND/21 INGIND/22 ICAR/03 CHIM/12;
5. GRANTED for a Director/In charge with post-doc Research Contract within POSDRU /89/1.5/S/49944 Project: Development of innovation capacity and increasing of research impact by post-doctoral programs) as a post-doc researcher, at “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Materials/Chemistry Laboratory, 11 Bd. Carol I, 700506 Iasi, ROMANIA/ with the research project entitled: Photocatalytic/photovoltaic oxidic nano-coatings of protection for laser irradiated microstructured fibrous substrates; Total value of the project: 4759431,818 Euros) Duration of the contract: 01.07.2010-31.03.2013;
6. GRANTED with a Marie Curie Doctoral Fellowship at Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser/Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Recommendation: Prof. Costas Fotakis, Professor of Physics, University of Crete, President of FORTH and Acting Director of the Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser.