Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research
Valencia, Spain.
(+34) 96 342 40 00 Ext. 424153; Ext. 439188
Center for Citriculture and Plant Protection Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research Carretera Moncada - Naquera, Km. 4,5 Official Section 46113 Moncada (Valencia) (Spain)
Research Interests:
- Agronomist as vocation and Biotechnologist and Breeder as formation, I started my scientific career in the Plant Research International (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) working on the cloning of a nerolidol synthase which produces a volatile that attrats the natural enemy of the pest Tetranychus urticae in cucumber,
- afterwards I did a training period in the Brewing Research International (Redhill, UK), where I worked on the detection of Fusarium oxysporum in barley.
- Back in Spain I got a specialization scholarship at the IBMCP (UPV), working in the project “Isolation of specific genes from ovule/seed to solve the problem in a molecular way of crosspollination in citrus”.
- Next, I did my Phd entitled “Citrus genetic diversity organization” in the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA).
- Within my thesis I did different training periods in French laboratories (CIRAD, Montpellier and INRA, Corse).
- During this formation period, I obtained a large and deep knowedge about the origin, phylogeny and genetic diversity of the citrus germplasm.
- This information has been of great importance for the optimization and maintenance of the germplasm banks and for the development of citrus breeding programs.
- Later on, I continued working in the group within different research tasks, being as main objective the citrus breeding and polyploidy through genetic and genomic approaches, for the obtention of triploid varieties and tetraploid rootstocks, both for the improvement of the fruit quality, the extension of the productive period, or even for the greater tolerance to biotic (resistance to Alternaria alternata) and abiotic stresses.
- Comparative analysis of core collection sampling methods for mandarin germplasm based on molecular and phenotypic data.
- Changes in Anthocyanin Production during Domestication of Citrus.
- Fine Mapping for Identification of Citrus Alternaria Brown Spot Candidate Resistance Genes and Development of New SNP Markers for Marker-Assisted Selection.
- Recovery of citrus cybrid plants with diverse mitochondrial and chloroplastic genome combinations by protoplast fusion followed by in vitro shoot, root, or embryo micrografting.
- Phylogenetic origin of limes and lemons revealed by cytoplasmic and nuclear markers.
- Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of mandarin germplasm by nuclear, chloroplastic and mitochondrial markers.
- Salt tolerance traits revealed in mandarins (Citrus reticulata Blanco) are mainly related to root-to-shoot Cl− translocation limitation and leaf detoxification processes.
- Nuclear Species-Diagnostic SNP Markers Mined from 454 Amplicon Sequencing Reveal Admixture Genomic Structure of Modern Citrus Varieties.
- Maximum-likelihood method identifies meiotic restitution mechanism from heterozygosity transmission of centromeric loci: Application in citrus.
- Next generation haplotyping to decipher nuclear genomic interspecific admixture in Citrus species: analysis of chromosome 2.
- Citrus (Rutaceae) SNP Markers Based on Competitive Allele-Specific PCR; Transferability Across the Aurantioideae Subfamily.
- A reference genetic map of C. clementina hort. ex Tan.; citrus evolution inferences from comparative mapping.
- A reference genetic map of Citrus clementina; citrus evolution inferences from comparative mapping.
- A nuclear phylogenetic analysis: SNPs, indels and SSRs deliver new insights into the relationships in the 'true citrus fruit trees' group (Citrinae, Rutaceae) and the origin of cultivated species.
- Comparative use of InDel and SSR markers in deciphering the interspecific structure of cultivated citrus genetic diversity: A perspective for genetic association studies.