Weiwei YAO is a specialist in the hydraulics, sediment transport, environmental and eco-hydraulic modelling. He has worked mainly in the areas of eco-hydraulic, hydraulic engineering and water engineering, habitat modelling, population modelling. He is interested in the irrigation science, ecological restoration, lake and reservoir management, modelling development.
Weiwei YAO
II Westernerstr, 80805 Munich GERMANY
Research Interests:
- Weiwei YAO is a specialist in the hydraulics, sediment transport, environmental and eco-hydraulic modelling.
- He has worked mainly in the areas of eco-hydraulic, hydraulic engineering and water engineering, habitat modelling, population modelling.
- He is interested in the irrigation science, ecological restoration, lake and reservoir management, modelling development.
- Dam building effects on fish habitat and population status in upper Canlang River (201707)
- China water key project plan (2016YFC0502004).
- China, CAS project (Y6V60222YZ)
- National Natural Science Fund Project "Irrigation water distributed group theory and model of decision-making" (50879072).
- National Technical Programs (2006BAD11B04).
- 863 projects (2006AA100209).
- NWAFU talent special fund (BJRC-2009-001).
- "High level of nation-building project of Graduate Students" (2011630003).
- Technical University of Munich, “ A typical fish habitat and population model”
Jan 2012 – June. 2016 Technical University of Munich, Munich GERMANY http://www.tum.de/
Jan 2002 – Nov 2005 Northwest A & F University, Yangling CHINA. http://www.nwsuaf.edu.cn/
Master of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering
May 1999 – Feb 2001 Northwest A & F University, Yangling CHINA http://www.nwsuaf.edu.cn/
Bachelor of Agricultural Water Conservancy Engineering
Assistant professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Responsibilities and achievements:
- Water resources survey in Tibet.
- Ecohydraulic and ecological restoration evaluation in fragile zone.
- Researching the dam building effects on upstream Lancang River, Tibet.
- International cooperation.
Technical University of Munich, Munich GERMANY http://www.tum.de/
Assistant Research/Scientific Employee
Responsibilities and achievements:
- Developed an Eco hydraulic model system which could use to predict the river habitat quality and fish species population dynamic changes.
- Coordinated with exchange students to do a short time research topic.
- Publish pure reviewed journal paper and International conference such as IAHR, River Flow, Wallgau2016, ETH 2014.
- Give guidance to Master students and Bachelor students.
- Responsible for the program of cooperation with China Scientist
China Hydraulic Corporation, Guiyang CHINA http://www.ghidri.com.cn/
Responsibilities and achievements:
- Working on the hydro power project named NAM KAN II
- Design represents in hydro power project You-Shui
- Design represents in hydro power project Shan-Nipo
- Assist in organise the hydraulic engineering conference 2011