Ravindra Channaveerappa Kodihalli
77 Mass Ave,
MA - 02139,
United States.
Research Interests:
Biomarker discovery, Proteomics, Genomics, Tissue/protein engineering, Toxicology, Nutritional Biochemistry
- My training in the field of Chemistry, Nutritional biochemistry and biomedical engineering, provides a solid foundation to discover the biomarkers and development of cutting-edge protein-engineering technologies.
- During my early research career as a graduate student and R&D Assistant, we synthesized many novel heterocyclic compounds those displayed potent antibacterial and antiinflammatory activity.
- One of the natural product isolated from the medicinal plant emerged as a modulators of eukaryotic gene expression by targeting chromatin remodeling enzymes p300 (histone acetyltransferases).
- This work led to the discovery of importance of functional groups in inhibiting cancer-causing enzymes.
- My postdoctoral work at Penn State involved in studying how nutrients interact with genomes.
- We are the first one discover the novel metabolite of fish oil ablates leukemia by targeting Leukemic Stem cells.
- In MIT my work involved in development of technologies to understand the roles mammalian enzymes in physiological and pathological processes and to use this knowledge to identify novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of human disease.
- To achieve these goals, we develop and apply new technologies that bridge the fields of chemistry and biology.
- We developed the set of activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) technologies exploit the power of chemistry to engender new tools and assays for the global analysis of enzyme activities.
- These ABPP tools acquire highcontent proteomic information based on functional properties of enzymes that is enriched in novel markers and targets for the diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
- Another important focus of my research at MIT is towards development of 3D Microphysiological systems (Human-body-on a Chip) funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) with the intention of replacing animal model with these in vitro models developed based on human tissues, capable of preclinical evaluation of drug toxicity and pharmacokinetics study.
- This research program is collaboration among MIT, the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories, and CN Bio Innovations, Ltd.