Caliber Biotherapeutics.
Ranjith Munigunti
999 W. Villa Maria Rd,
Apt 706,
United States.
Research Interests:
Drug discovery, Mass spectrometry, Separation science, Protein characterization, Glycan characterization.
- Commercial-scale biotherapeutics manufacturing facility for plant-made pharmaceuticals.
- Determination of antiplasmodial activity and binding affinity of curcumin and demethoxycurcumin towards PfTrxR.
- Characterization of PfTrxR inhibitors using antimalarial assays and in silico techniques.
- Determination of Antiplasmodial Activity and Binding Affinity of Selected Natural Products towards PfTrxR and PfGR.
- Development of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry based screening assay for PfTrxR inhibitors using relative quantitation of intact thioredoxin.
- Identification of Oleamide in Guatteria recurvisepala by LC/MS-Based Plasmodium falciparum Thioredoxin Reductase Ligand Binding Method.
- Screening of natural compounds for ligands to PfTrxR by ultrafiltration and LC-MS based binding assay.