Beena Kadakkuzha
130 Scripps Way,
Jupiter, FL 33458,
United States.
Research Interests:
1) Genomics and proteomic analyses of brain during learning and memory consolidation and aging.
2) Elucidate the RNA-protein interaction using transcriptomics and proteomics methods.
3) Study the role of non-coding RNAs in gene regulation.
- Goal oriented scientist with more than 10 years of hands-on experience in various molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry techniques.
- A gifted team player with excellent verbal, written and listening skills.
- Demonstrated outstanding leadership,
- critical thinking and problem solving skills.
- Managed collaborative research with academic labs and industry partners;
- mentored and trained juniour collegues.
- Coordinated multiple projects, data analysis, presentation of findings, technical writing of standard procedures, protocols, original research articles and book chapters. Direct in-depth knowledge of cloning, protein expression, Real-time PCR, epigenetics, non-coding RNA, microRNA and RNAi techniques.
- Working knowledge of gene expression profiling using microarray (mRNA, miRNA), next generation sequencing (RNA-seq), pathway and functional analysis.
Awards and Honors:
- 2014 Alzheimer's drug discovery foundation (ADDF) Young Investigator Scholarship, 2014.
- 2013 Robert M. Sandelman award for scientific excellence, Scripps Florida.
- 2009 Harris Memorial Award for the best research presentation & discussion, Chem-Bio Annual Symposium University of Texas at Dallas, USA.
- 2008 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Travel Award to attend science policy conference, Washington DC
- 2007-08 Harris Memorial Award for the best graduate student research poster, Chem-Bio Annual Symposium, University of Texas at Dallas, USA.
- 2003 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR- JRF), Govt. of India.
- 2002 University Gold Medalist in MS Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India.
- 2000-2002 Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Scholarship, Government of India.
- 1999 University Gold Medalist in BS, University of Kannur, Kerala, India.
Conference Presentations:
- 2014 8th Annual Drug Discovery for Neurodegeneration Conference, Miami, Florida.
- 2008 Policy Forum in Science and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC.
- 2008 12th Annual RNA Society Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin.