Gianluigi Zaza
Piazzale Stefani 1,
Verona, 37124,
Research Interests:
Transplantation, Genomics, Transcriptomic, Immunology, Nephrology.
- Dr. Gianluigi Zaza graduated in medicine from the University of Bari in 2000.
- He did his clinical training in Nephrology at the Division of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, University of Bari (2000-2005).
- From 2002 to 2005 he has been post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Pharmacology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Memphis, TN, USA.
- In 2010 he holds a PhD in Clinical Pharmacology and Medicine Therapy from University of Bari with a thesis on genomics applied to mitochondrial activity in chronic kidney disease patients.
- Moreover, he obtained many national and international awards/honors.
- Dr Zaza continues his clinical activities as medical doctor primarily involved in post-renal transplant clinical maintenance follow-up.
- Additionally, his research interests include pharmacogenomics, transcriptomics and translational medicine.
- The scientific activity of Dr. Zaza resulted in n. 100 publications in national and international journals (33 articles published in peer-reviewed journals).
He has been staff physician:
- From 07/04/2006 to 05/31/2009 at the Apulia Transplantation Regional Center, Policlinic-University of Bari, Italy;
- From 06/01/2009 to 10/31/2009 at the Emilia-Romagna Transplantation Regional Center/AIRT Interregional Center, Policlinic S. Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna, Italy;
- From 11/16/2009 to 07/30/2010 at the CRT Puglia/AIRT;
- From 07/31/2010 to 09/30/2011 at the Division of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Martina Franca Hospital (TA), Italy.
- From 10/1/2011 to 10/30/2011 at the Renal Unit, Ospedale Civile Maggiore, Verona, Italy.
- From 1st November he serves as research associate at the Renal Unit, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Verona, Italy.