Mohamed Azmi Bin Ahmad Hassali
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Minden 11800 Penang,
Research Interests:
- Social Pharmacy
- Pharmacy Practice
- Public Health Pharmacy
- Dr. Mohamed Azmi Ahmad Hassali is recognized as the only expert in the country with specialization in social and administrative pharmacy research.
- He holds membership and council post in many international health based organization namely Health Action International-Asia Pacific (HAI-AP), Action on Antibiotic Resistant (ReAct) and International Network For Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD).
- Due to his vast experience in the field of social pharmacy, he also had been appointed by many foreign universities especially from New Zealand, Australia and United Kingdom as their programme external examiner.
- As an avid researcher and writer, Prof Azmi had published more than 270 full research journal articles in international peer reviewed journals and had authored more than 200 conference presentations especially in the areas related to quality use of medicines and pharmacy practice research in low and middle income countries.
- In October 2015, due to his excellent contribution in research related to area of social and administrative pharmacy, he had been selected by Academy of Sciences Malaysia to be one of the recipients for their prestigious “Top Research Scientists Malaysia (TRSM)” award.