Epidemiologist, Public Health Consultant, Cameroon Society of Epidemiology, Yaounde, Cameroon.
+237 675 72 41 17
Armand Seraphin NKWESCHEU
P.O. Box 1411 - Yaounde. Tel. +237 675 72 41 17
Research Interests:
- As a Public Health Physician, I have carried out consultancies on topics such as: “ “Poliomyelitis surveillance , the most recent being the contribution as consultant for the “Outbreak Rapid Response Assessment (OBRA) with WHO in the Northern regions of Cameroon, the activities of poliomyelitis elimination in the lake Chad Basin (December 2016 & February 2017).
- I am a resource person working as supervisor with the National Committee of certification of Poliomyelitis Elimination in Cameroon during the SWITCH operation from tOPV to bOPV (April 2016). “Workshop on access to stockpile of Oral Cholera Vaccine for the outbreaks in the country”. “ National Cholera Contingency Plan for Cameroon”; “Client focus approach in hospitals”, “Evaluation of immunization campaigns”, “Evaluation of cost effectiveness approach”,
- Audit of the activities for the fight against malaria carried out by the NGO ‘s Cameroon Coalition Against AIDS/Tuberculosis /Malaria (CCA/SIDA),
- Audit of the cohort of Persons Living with HIV in Cameroon requested/funded by CDC, FEI and some other Development partners operating in Cameroon,
- Monitored one of the teams assigned to the certification of the elimination of Neonatal Tetanus in Cameroon(Activity lead by WHO country office and UNICEF),
- Assessment of data quality for the National Program for the fight against Malaria”.
Current position(s):
- Public Health Consultant; P.O. Box: 5951, Yaoundé.
- Part- time lecturer - Masters Program of Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases at the Faculty of Sciences- & Cameroon Field Epidemiology Training Program (CAFETP) University of Buea, Cameroon.
- Part- time lecturer - Masters in Public Health Programs of the Department of Public Health and Hygiene at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea, Cameroon.
- Part- time lecturer – Medical Ethics of the Department of Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde-1, Cameroon.
- Researcher at the Public Health Laboratory for Biotechnologies of the Biotechnology Centre of the University of Yaounde-1( BTC/UY1); Cameroon.
- Consultant with the Research Foundation for Tropical Diseases and Environment (REFOTDE) ; P.o.Box 474. Buea.
Recent Previous position(s):
- Director /Head of Unit Scientific Network & Health Ethics Promotion; Division of Health Operations Research – Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cameroon.
- Part time Lecturer - Public Health; Université des Montagnes (UdM), Bangangté- Cameroon
- Part Time Lecturer- Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Dschang, Cameroon
Membership of organisations:
- APCA(African Paliative Care Association – Kampala/Uganda)
- AORTIC(African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer.-Yaoundé & Cape Town
- SOCHIMIO (Solidarité-Chimiotherapie ) –Yaoundé
- ONMC(Ordre National des Médecins du Cameroun) National Medical Association of Cameroon.- Reg N° 3388- Yaoundé
- CAMBIN (Cameroon Bioethics Initiative) – Yaoundé. Financial Secretary
- CAMBIN ERCC (ERCC). – Ethical Review Consultancy Committee – Expert member (Epidemiology)
- REFIPS (Réseau Francophone International pour la Promotion de la Santé)- Cameroon chapter
- ACASAP (Association Camerounaise de Santé Publique)- Cameroon
- UIPES (Union Internationale de la Promotion et Education pour la Santé)
- IEA (International Epidemiological Association)
- CaDEA (Cameroon Development Evaluation Association) – Association Camerounaise pour l’Evaluation du Developpement- Board member
- CaSE (Cameroon Society of Epidemiology); Founding member & current Chairperson
- CERSAC (Comité d’Ethique de la Recherche en Santé en Afrique Centrale)- Secretary General ; since May 2016.
- SAV/ ASV (African Society of Venimolgy) – Member.
- CSP (Cameroon Society of Parasitology)- member.