United Kingdom
Business School
The University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom
+44(0)131 6503792
Jamal Ouenniche
Research Interests:
- Design & Operational Management of Supply Chains
- Applied Combinatorial Optimization.
- Data Envelopment Analysis.
- Forecasting Systems.
- Risk Modelling and Analysis.
- Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
- Resilience of Communities & Organisations
- Dr Ouenniche is a Reader in Management Science at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UK), Member of the Business School Executive Board, and Head of the Management Science and Business Economics group.
- He holds a BSc in Mathematics and an MSc in Operational Research from the University of Montreal (Canada), and a PhD in Operations Management from Laval University (Quebec, Canada).
- His research portfolio encompasses a broad range of applications and a variety of research methodologies in descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics, and tackles important managerial issues in energy, manufacturing, transport, banking, and public sector policy.
- Some of his research is concerned with methodological contributions to the fields of optimization, artificial intelligence, data envelopment analysis, and forecasting.
- He acts as a Referee for over 20 academic journals, several international conferences, and several national and foreign research councils (e.g., ESRC - The Economic and Social Research Council of the UK; SSHRC - The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; FCT - The Foundation for Science and Technology – the Portuguese public research funding agency; GACR - The Czech Science Foundation – the main public funding agency in the Czech Republic).
- He is also a Member of the Editorial Board of eight academic journals and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
- His research is published in Operations Research; European Journal of Operational Research; Computers and Operations Research; Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications; Expert Systems with Applications; International Journal of Operational Research; International Journal of Production Economics; International Journal of Production Research; International Review of Financial Analysis; Applied Financial Economics; Applied Economics Letters; Energy Economics; Applied Energy; and The Journal of Developing Areas, among others.