Jeong-Rae Kim
163 Seoulsiripdaero,
Seoul 02504,
South Korea.
Research Interests:
- Systems Biology; Bioinformatics; Signaling Pathway;
- Mathematical ModelingSystems Biology; Bioinformatics; Signaling Pathway;
- Mathematical Modeling
- I received the M.S. degree and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Seoul National University, South Korea in 1997 and 2004, respectively.
- From 2005 to 2007, I was with the Bio-Max Institute in Seoul National University as a Senior Researcher.
- From 2007 to 2010, I was with the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) as a research professor.
- Since 2010, I have been a professor of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Seoul.