International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, a prestigious platform dedicated to advancing the understanding and practice of occupational and environmental health. IJOE is committed to fostering a global community of researchers, who are dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of workers and the protection of the environment. IJOE strives to publish high-quality, original research that addresses the complex challenges and emerging issues in occupational and environmental health.      

Note: An Article Processing Charge (APC) is levied to authors to make a research work available open access in International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

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Average Processing Time

39 days

Acceptance rate


Submission to first decision

12 days

Acceptance to publication

2 days

Impact Factor


Our Specialties

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed journal that helps disseminate original research work, having a unique aspect of covering many areas which contributes to providing an awareness of research studies of scientists around the globe.

Constant Updating

Explore IJOE Journal: The International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is the gateway to a vast array of topics, including Environmental Health, Health promotion, Health education, Food additives, Occupational diseases, Health and safety standards, Agricultural hazards.


Journal Submission Guidelines: IJOE invites authors to submit their groundbreaking research in Medicine to the esteemed journal via Manuscript Zone or Online Submission Form. Rigorous peer-review process ensures the highest quality publications, making it the ideal platform for disseminating cutting-edge scientific discoveries.

Manuscript Zone

Advanced Online Editorial Manager
High Quality Peer review

Open Access: IJOE follows an open access model, ensuring that research articles are freely available online without financial, legal, or technical barriers. This approach promotes the widespread dissemination of scientific knowledge, enhancing the visibility and impact of research.

Open Access

Article Processing Charges (APC): Journal offers a transparent and competitive APC structure, ensuring that authors receive the best value for their contributions. IJOE is committed to maintaining affordability while upholding the highest standards of publication, making it accessible to researchers worldwide.

Article Processing Charges

Easy-to-Use Search Functionalities
Article Email Facility

Social Media Platforms: Stay connected with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the latest updates, research highlights, and engaging content in clinical Health. Join the vibrant community of researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts to foster discussions and collaborations in the field.

Journal Staff: Dedicated team of experienced editors and reviewers ensures the highest standards of scientific integrity and publication ethics. With their expertise in Health, they guide authors through the publication process, providing valuable insights and feedback to enhance the quality of their work.



Editorial Board

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-Cell Culture-SHAIK FARID ABDULL WAHAB



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International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-Endocrine disrupting chemicals

Air pollution-Wei Wu

Wei Wu

101 Longmian Avenue, Nanjing

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International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-Hypertension-Ícaro José Santos Ribeiro

Ícaro José Santos Ribeiro

State University of Southwest Bahia, Postgraduate Program in Nursing & Healt...

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International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-Recombinant protein and DNA vaccine studies-Reza Taherkhani

Reza Taherkhani

Moallem Street, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences 7514633341, Bushehr, Iran...

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