International Journal of Pain Management

International Journal of Pain Management

International Journal of Pain Management

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Editorial Board

International Journal of Pain Management-Musculoskeletal Disorders-Maurizio Evangelista

Maurizio Evangelista

Editorial Board

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart UNICATT · Institute of Anaesthesiology,

International Journal of Pain Management--Anne Manyande

Anne Manyande

Editorial Board

School of Human and Social Sciences.

International Journal of Pain Management-Headache-Dimos-Dimitrios Mitsikostas

Dimos-Dimitrios Mitsikostas

Editorial Board

National & Kapodistrian, University of Athens.

International Journal of Pain Management-Oral Maxillofacial Surgery-Emad Tawfik Mhmoud Daif

Emad Tawfik Mhmoud Daif

Editorial Board

Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine, Cairo Univer

International Journal of Pain Management-Pain Management-Antonella	Ciaramella

Antonella Ciaramella

Editorial Board

Aplysia Onlus, GIFT Institute of Integrative Medicine.

International Journal of Pain Management-Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation-Sybille Molle

Sybille Molle

Editorial Board

Private Practice

International Journal of Pain Management-Local anethesia of the head and neck-Ibrahim Elhakim

Ibrahim Elhakim

Editorial Board

Ain Shams University

International Journal of Pain Management-My current research focuses on the physiological and cellular mechanisms of vagal modulation of the immune system in experimental sepsis.-Luis	Ulloa

Luis Ulloa

Editorial Board

Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

International Journal of Pain Management--Charly Gaul

Charly Gaul

Editorial Board

Chief physician.

International Journal of Pain Management-Bio-Implants and Bio-MEMS-Munna Khan

Munna Khan

Editorial Board

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University).

International Journal of Pain Management-Mental health-Siavash  Jafari

Siavash Jafari

Editorial Board

University of British Columbia
