Journal of Water

Aims and Scope

Journal of Water is open accesspeer-reviewed journal that aims in providing a high-profile international outlet for analyses and discussions of all aspects of water, environment, and society. We are dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and engineering solutions that promote sustainable water management and foster economic and communal progress.

JW welcomes original research articles, short communications, reviews, and letters to the editor that address topics including, but not limited to:

Fundamental Water Science:

  • Chemistry & Biology of Water: Studies on the chemical composition, biological processes, and biogeochemical cycles that govern water quality and availability.  
  • Geology & Hydrology: Research on the physical properties, movement, and distribution of water in natural systems.

Water Quality & Environmental Impact:

  • Pollution & Wastewater Treatment: Innovations in water pollution control, wastewater treatment, and methods to remediate contaminated water bodies.  
  • Surface Water & Sediment Assessment: Evaluations of water and sediment quality, including the effects of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems.

Engineering & Technological Advances:

  • Water Resources Engineering: Design, modeling, and simulation of water distribution, conservation, and harvesting systems.  
  • Sustainable Infrastructure: Development of efficient water treatment, storage, and distribution systems for urban and rural settings.

Applied and Interdisciplinary Research:

  • Aquaculture, Fisheries & Coastal Management: Studies on the sustainable use of water resources in agriculture and aquaculture, as well as coastal and oceanographic research.  
  • Water Economics & Policy: Analysis of water resource management policies, economic evaluations, and risk management strategies to promote sustainable practices.

Global Health & Societal Aspects:

  • Drinking Water & Public Health: Research addressing the safety, and distribution of potable water and its impact on community health.  
  • Climate Change Impacts: Investigations into how climate change affects water availability, quality.


The scope of the journal is outlined below, but not strictly confined to them.

  • Treatment methods for water and wastewaters, municipal, agricultural, industrial including residuals management.
  • Water quality monitoring and assessment, based on chemical, Physical and biological methods.
  • Studies on inland, tidal or coastal waters and urban waters, including surface and ground waters, and point and non-point sources of pollution.
  • The limnology of lakes, impoundments, and rivers.
  • Solid and hazardous waste management, including source characterization and the effects and control of leachates and gaseous emissions.
  • Environmental restoration, including soil and groundwater remediation.
  • Analysis of the interfaces between sediments and water, and water atmosphere interactions.
  • The application of mathematical modeling and system analysis techniques.
  • Public health and risk assessment.
  • Water and life, water in the economy, water, food security
  • Marine, freshwater ecosystems, aquatic,coastal biodiversity
  • Consumptive, non-consumptive uses of water, recycling, reuse, tourism
  • Cultural perceptions and health hazards of water pollution
  • The political economy of water, water geopolitics, symbolic dimensions
  • Technical, ecological economics analyses of water use, pollution, treatment
  • Comparative legal aspects of water resource management
  • Agricultural and marine pollution, water degradation, water basin analyses
  • Protection, rehabilitation of ground, surface water, sustainable development
  • Climate change, hydrology, hydro systems engineering, desertification
  • Public sector strategies for pollution management
  • High latitude and altitude hydrology
  • New technologies in water monitoring, assessment adaptation planning
  • Innovation in education, professional development interdisciplinary research
  • Impacts of extreme weather, climate on water resources availability
  • JW is interested in original research, reviews, and case studies that explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as machine learning, neural networks, and data analytics to address challenges in water resource management, water quality monitoring, hydrological modeling, and environmental impact assessment. 

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences